Manuscripts from ICREPQ:
The procedure for publishing one article in the RE&PQJ has eight steps and to present one proposal it is necesary to follow the guidelines of a Template. All the proposals need to be reviewed by three members of the International Scientific Committee (ISC) in a peer review process in which each of the reviewers needs to fill up an Evaluation Form. If your proposal has been accepted positively by two of the three members of the ISC, you need to defend it at the International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ). After the conference, authors have 15 days to improve their proposals and send them to the RE&PQJ. The publication of an article in the RE&PQJ has no cost, only that due to the selection process that is followed, with the intention of improving the quality of the proposals with the comments of the reviewers, the proposals must be previously presented at the ICREPQ conference, whose assistance naturally has a cost that is the registration fee of the same.
Manuscripts from other sources:
Manuscript authors are not required to attend the International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ). Instead, manuscripts will be submitted directly to the journal by the corresponding author. The manuscript processing workflow includes a preliminary review by the editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial board, followed by peer review and revisions (typically two to three rounds). The final decision on the manuscript will be made by the editor-in-chief or an editorial board member.
-Wind Energy, Small Hydro Energy, Solar Energy, Photovoltaic Energy, Ocean Energy, Geothermal, Biomass,…
- Classical and special electrical generators: Theory, design, analysis, losses, efficiency, heating and cooling, vibration and noise, modelling and simulation, control strategies, protection systems, maintenance, mechanical behaviour, new methods of testing, parallel operation, stability,...
- Power plants. Distributed generation. Fuel cells. Co-generation. Hybrid Systems. Original solutions,...
- Energy conversion, conservation and energy efficiency.
- Hybrid Systems. Microgrids. Smart grids. Original solutions,...
- Energy saving policy. Energy storage. Batteries,...
- Energy and the environment. Ecological balance. Ecosystem,...
- Application of the renewable energy. Best practice projects.
- Legislation in the area of renewable energies.
- Biomass combustion techniques. The energy use of agricultural and forest residues. Production and the energy exploitation of bio-gas. Environment. Social importance…
- Interconnection and transport problems.
- Planning and control of the power system take into account the renewable energy. Stability. Protection…
- Economic analysis of the power system take into account the renewable energy.
- Regulation/des-regulation of the power market. Influence of the renewable energy.
- Models and simulation of the power systems. Models and estimation of loads. Software tools.
- Application of the communications, internet, artificial intelligence for the renewable energy.
- Security assessment and risk analysis in renewable energy
- Technical and economic issues of the large-scale integration of renewable energies
- Recent advances in transmission technologies (AC and DC) for renewable energies
- Electric vehicles.
- Electrical Machines & Drives, Power electronics, and Control strategies for renewable energy applications.
- Monitoring and Diagnostics of electrical machines & drives, Tools for Diagnostics and Test for Predictive Maintenance for renewable energies applications
- Sensors and actuators for renewable energies applications.
- Renewable Energies Teaching
- Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
- Power Quality in Transport and Distribution.
- Economic Studies of the Power Quality
- Low-frequency conducted disturbances: Voltage deviations, voltage fluctuations/flicker, voltage dips and short interruptions, harmonics and inter-harmonics, transient over-voltages, voltage unbalance (imbalance), temporary power-frequency variations.
- Sources, effects and mitigation methods of the disturbances.
- FACT (Flexible Alternating Transmission Systems)
- Measurements of the power quality in networks, industrial installations and Laboratories. Equipment, procedures and measurement methods. Standards.
- Modelling and simulation of the power quality. Software tools.
- Transmission of the disturbances
- Filtering techniques
- Power factor compensation. Capacitor switching techniques
- Optimization techniques
- Communication, internet and artificial intelligence.
- Permanent monitoring techniques and online diagnosis
- Intelligent energy delivery systems. Uninterrupted power supplies
- Expert systems applications
- Devices, equipment and power systems. Control centres
- Specific problems and studies cases
- Power quality influence in deregulated markets
- High frequency disturbances (radiated)
- Data security and electromagnetic pulses.
- Protection against natural and intentional EMI
- Power Quality Teaching
Our journal system has recently undergone a comprehensive upgrade. The submission method for the Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (REPQJ) is no longer limited to the manuscripts accepted by the conference; we now welcome submissions accepted after the double-blind review through the online submission system. Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
The Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ) is a open access electronic journal in collaboration with the European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, Reg.No. 169208, with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2172-038X and DOI (Digital Object Identifier).: (x=reference-numbers for each volume and paper)