About the Journal

The Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ) is an open- access electronic journal edited by UK Zhende Publishing Ltd in collaboration with the European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, Reg.No.169208, with the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) 2172-038X and DOI (Digital Object Identifier).: https://doi.org/10.52152/repqjxx.xxx (x=reference-numbers for each volume and paper). RE&PQJ publishes 6 issues per year, all articles will be published by August.

The RE&PQJ is indexed by SCOPUSowned by Elsevier B.V.

RE&PQJ Address: AEDERMACP C/ Ramón Aller, 83 36500 Lalin Pontevedra (Spain)& 871 17 Deepdale Road, Meadowbank, Rotherham, S62 2NR, UK

RE&PQJ Email: office@repqj.com

Objectives. The main objective of the RE&PQJ is widespread over the world the recent development in the areas of Renewable Energies and Power Quality.

RE&PQJ publishes original, high-quality research papers previously presented in the "International Conference on Renewable Energy and Power Quality (ICREPQ)" and like most scientific journals, relies on effective peer review process (in this case a second peer review process because the first one is only for to accept the papers for the ICREPQ) to uphold not only the quality and validity of individual articles, but also the overall integrity of the journal we publish.