Providing an added-value to biodiesel by-products: Pyrolysis of glicerin. Thermogravimetric study and analysis of sulphur emissions
This work aimed to study the thermal degradation process of the glycerine generated as by-product during biodiesel production. For this task, thermogravimetric analyses (TG) were conducted under argon atmosphere at various heating rates, and the different stages occurring during the pyrolysis were elucidated. Also, by the coupled use of TG and Mass spectrometry analyses (MS) it was possible to monitorize the gas emissions released during the pyrolysis, and thus have a better knowledge of the mechanisms governing the degradation process. From the experimental data, it was found that glycerin degradation occurs at various stages which are not apparently affected by the heating rate. The MS analyses on the emission of sulphur dioxide and dimethyl sulfide allowed identifying the release of these compound around the temperature of 370ºC.