On-Line Cable Diagnostic Possibilities in an Artificial Aging Environment
Since more than a decade the development of reliable and accurate diagnostic tools for power cables is in the centre of interest of scientists and power utilities. With the de-velopments in our power systems, like the increasing feed-in of renewable energy sources, several issues could be additionally generated, such as extreme concurrence factors, short- and long-duration variations, voltage imbalances, waveform distortions, voltage fluctuations and power frequency variations. These impacts affect the aging rapidity of the electrical equipment and finally of the entire the electrical distribution network. Using appropriate diagnostic methods, it is possible to determine the electrical equipment’s condition. The significance of the results depends on the quality of the measurement system and of the data interpretation. Based on these results, a reliable mainte-nance and investment strategy could be made, and the reliability of the grid could be improved. With this goal, an accelerated aging project for MV PILC (paper insulated lead covered) cables was started. A specially designed aging system for the acceler-ated aging of MV cables has been developed to point out the most relevant aging parameters, their limits, their development and to upgrade the accuracy of the MV cable diagnostics in this way. In this paper, the diagnostic possibilities, mainly the dielec-tric loss factor measurement and its dependence on environ-mental influences are presented.