Reliability Analysis of Residential Photovoltaic Systems


  • A. Garro Author
  • F. Barrara Author



Due to various incentive programs and local

market conditions of several European and worldwide

countries, photovoltaic systems are rapidly becoming the most

diffused solution for residential installations. This wide

adoption raises new and important issues related to the

efficiency, efficacy and safety of these highly distributed and

heterogeneous power systems. In particular, as these systems

are often connected to the general power grid so that a system

failure may affect the operation of other interconnected

systems, in their design an accurate dependability analysis

should be performed. Moreover, a dependability analysis

allows establishing a maintenance plan acceptable to the user

for keeping the system operating effectively. However, despite

these reasons, this kind of analysis is often missing manly due

to the lack of specific methodological approaches and related

ready-to-use tools. To overcome this lack, the paper presents a

methodological approach to the reliability analysis of residential

photovoltaic systems which exploits analysis techniques and

models coming from the R.AM.S. (Reliability, Availability,

Maintainability, and Safety) engineering discipline.

Author Biographies

  • A. Garro

    Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences

    D.E.I.S., University of Calabria

    Campus of Arcavacata, Via P. Bucci 41C, 87036 Rende (Italy)

    Phone/Fax number:+0039 0984 494713, e-mail:

  • F. Barrara

    Department of Electronics, Computer and System Sciences

    D.E.I.S., University of Calabria

    Campus of Arcavacata, Via P. Bucci 41C, 87036 Rende (Italy)

    Phone/Fax number:+0039 0984 494713, e-mail:





