Analysis of Remote Islanding Detection Methods for Distributed Resources
Penetration of distributed generation in the power
grid is increasing. This situation leads to new possibilities but
also new issues, such as anti-islanding protection. During a
loss-of-mains or islanding situation, distributed generation
(DG) units remain feeding a part of the electrical network
without connection to the main power system. Currently, DG
units have to be disconnected from the grid during islanding as
soon as possible, due to potential risks for repair crews and
components, poor power quality in the island and reclosing
problems. A fast and reliable islanding detection method could
avoid mentioned issues. Among the many existing methods,
remote schemes could meet these requirements.
Hence, this paper presents the operating principles of remote
islanding detection methods, as well as the current state of
development of communication-based remote islanding
detection methods to be applied in distributed power generation