Optimal Operation of Smart Grids Including Distributed Generation Units and Plug in Vehicles
The paper deals with the optimal operation of a Smart Grid (SG) including distributed resources based on dispersed generation (DG) units and plug-in vehicle fleets with the aim of furnishing some services both inside the SG and outside to the interconnected electrical system. The distributed resources are connected through power electronic interfaces and are coordinated by a centralized control system to provide the usual energy service as well as some ancillary services such as reactive power control and compensation for some continuous Power Quality (PQ) disturbances into the SG. In addition, plug-in vehicle fleets are coordinated to charge/discharge their storage systems with the aim to perform the Smart Charging service, so as to provide regulation service for the interconnected electrical system, as well as to compensate the variability of DG units powers based on uncertain primary sources. Computer time domain simulations were effected on a low voltage 30-bus SG including wind turbine, photovoltaic systems and plug-in vehicles.