A computational method to optimize energy savings of tension structures set in road tunnels


  • L.M. Gil-Martín Author
  • A. Peña-García Author
  • R. Escribano Author
  • A. Espín-Estrella Author




After the successful introduction of transparent tension structures in the portal of road tunnels as an effective measure for energy savings, optimization of such savings has been sought. A computational method based on graphical design capable to simulate the optical properties of the sun, any transparent tension structure and any road tunnel whatever its orientation, has been developed and presented in this paper. A comparison with measurements in a real tension structure placed in the entrance portal of one real tunnel is performed and discussed.

Author Biographies

  • L.M. Gil-Martín

    Department of Structural Mechanics.

    ETSICCP, University of Granada.

    Campus Fuentenueva – 18071 Granada (Spain)

    Phone number: +34 958 249 962, e-mail: mlgil@ugr.es

  • A. Peña-García

    Department of Civil Engineering.

    ETSICCP, University of Granada.

    Campus Fuentenueva – 18071 Granada (Spain)

    Phone number: +34 958 249 435, e-mail: pgarcia@ugr.es

  • R. Escribano

    Department of Graphical Expression in Architecture and Engineering.

    ETSIE, University of Granada.

    Campus Fuentenueva – 18071 Granada (Spain)

    Phone number: +34 958 243 115, e-mail: rogaes@ugr.es

  • A. Espín-Estrella

    Department of Civil Engineering.

    ETSICCP, University of Granada.

    Campus Fuentenueva – 18071 Granada (Spain)

    Phone number: +34 958 249 435, e-mail: aespin@ugr.es





