Energy valuing of forest biomass residues in Bizkaia


  • E. Mateos Author
  • J. M. González Author
  • J. M. Eguzkitza Author



The aim of this research work is the development of a methodology to quantify and yield cartography of the prospective energy production of residual biomass from the most representative forest species of Bizkaia, using a Geographic Information System (GIS) computer tool. A model of indirect estimation has been used in order to estimate the evolution of forest masses throughout in any area of Bizkaia. Arboreal species have timber-yielding utility, and this is the reason why the remains obtained after the forest treatments carried out for the preservation and improvement of arboreal masses, are those quantified in this work as energy production biomass (EPB). After analyzing statistically the results obtained, 52,214 metric tons of residual forest biomass per year are estimated. This means a potential energy supply of 32,011 toe per year. The estimation of biomass quantities that may generate forest activity will allow us to accomplish its planned exploitation, taking into account both economic and environmental aspects, with the aim of determining which the optimum location for setting up an energy production plant is.

Author Biographies

  • E. Mateos

    Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering E.U.I.T.I., University of the Basque Country, Plaza La Casilla 3, 48012 Bilbao (Spain),  Phone/Fax number: +0034 946014343 / +0034 946014300, e-mail:

  • J. M. González

    Department of English and German Philology E.U.I.T.I., University of the Basque Country, Plaza La Casilla 3, 48012 Bilbao (Spain)

    Phone/Fax number: +0034 946014343 / +0034 946014300, Phone: +0034 946014322, e-mail.

  • J. M. Eguzkitza

    Department of Applied Mathematics

    E.U.I.T.I., University of the Basque Country, Plaza La Casilla 3, 48012 Bilbao (Spain)

    Phone: +0034 946014411:





