Proposal for the use of solar heaters in small residences of Curitiba
This article seeks to determine a proposal for the use of thermal solar heaters for small residences in CuritibaPR, Brazil, being considered "small" residences of up to 100 m2 what is equal, according to the Institute of Research and Urban Planning of Curitiba (IPPUC), to 26% of the total of all of the residences of the city. For the elaboration of the work, the averages of solar irradiation were considered in the city. The factor of solar irradiation in this research is of addition importance, because it indicates us which is the participation of the solar energy in the generation of thermal energy through the system of solar heating. Being known the total thermal energy necessary, energy generated by the system of solar heating and the energy generated by the auxiliary system, it was possible to relate data obtained with the values of the tariffs of electric power of the city, and in this way, it was possible to study the economical viability of the system. In this proposal we verified that the investment return will come in the 5th year of implantation.