Geared Linkage driven by Linear Actuator used for PV Platform Azimuth Orientation


  • N.C. Creanga Author
  • I. Visa Author
  • D.V. Diaconescu Author
  • I.S. Hermenean Author
  • B.R. Butuc Author



. To gain more solar energy the photovoltaic converter must be tracked relatively to the sun movement. The majority of the tracking systems use complicated and costly rotating mechanisms to build large angular strokes. This paper presents a new type of geared linkage composed of a triangular linkage fitted with a planetary gear pair able to reach high angular strokes. This linkage is used as basic mechanism for the azimuth tracking of a photovoltaic platform. The kinematic synthesis of the linkage shows that the azimuth angular stroke increases with the planetary gear internal ratio |i0|. The linkage is further implemented for an azimuth mono-axial tracked PV module located in a mountain location (case study - Brasov, Romania). Through numerical simulations, the amount of direct solar radiation on the PV module and the tracking efficiency are evaluated.

Author Biographies

  • N.C. Creanga

    Department Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    B-ul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov (Romania)

    Phone/Fax number:+40-(268) 41.20.88, +40-(268) 41.05.25, e-mail:

  • I. Visa

    Department Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    B-ul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov (Romania)

    Phone/Fax number:+40-(268) 41.20.88, +40-(268) 41.05.25, e-mail:

  • D.V. Diaconescu

    Department Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    B-ul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov (Romania)

    Phone/Fax number:+40-(268) 41.20.88, +40-(268) 41.05.25, e-mail:

  • I.S. Hermenean

    Department Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    B-ul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov (Romania)

    Phone/Fax number:+40-(268) 41.20.88, +40-(268) 41.05.25, e-mail:

  • B.R. Butuc

    Department Renewable Energy Systems and Recycling

    Transilvania University of Brasov

    B-ul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov (Romania)

    Phone/Fax number:+40-(268) 41.20.88, +40-(268) 41.05.25, e-mail:





