Testing and Evaluation of Wind Power Plant Protection System


  • M. Kezunovic Author
  • B. Matic Cuka Author




This paper discusses methodology and test set up which may be used for Wind Power Plant (WPP) planning and protection system evaluation. The test set up consists of a digital simulator, as well as a number of physical relays, recorders, software for system and relay modeling, signal editing, etc. Minimizing economic loss, in terms of using maximum output of wind generated power without interruption and causing minimum equipment damage due to faults, is the main benefit of having protection system that operates correctly. The correctness of operation is crucial during grid disturbances in preventing unwanted power plant disconnection and further system stability violation. Since there are no standardized requirements or methodology for WPP protection system testing, its evaluation is challenging and manly customized to fit a given solution. This paper discusses test requirements and test methodology to perform the evaluation in a comprehensive manner.

Author Biographies

  • M. Kezunovic

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Texas A&M University

    College Station, Texas 77840 (USA)

    Phone number: 1 979 8457509, e-mail: kezunov@ece.tamu.edu

  • B. Matic Cuka

    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77840 (USA) Phone number: 1 979 8457509, e-mail: bmatic@tamu.edu





