Time Domain Variable Speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems Modelling Using ATP platform


  • F.H.Costa Author
  • E. B. Alvarenga Author
  • J. C. Oliveira Author
  • G. C. Guimarães Author
  • A. F. Bonelli Author
  • Z. S. Vitório J Author




This paper presents a comprehensive computational representation of a variable speed Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECS) and its connection to typical AC grid systems. The arrangement chosen for modelling purposes consists of a multipole synchronous generators units. This type of arrangement appears as a modern tendency to WECS composition. The paper content comprises basic information about the overall scheme structure, time domain modelling and computational implementation in the well known ATP platform. Using this approach studies involving transients, dynamic and steady state analysis can be then performed. Although these facilities are available, the case studies here considered are focused on the investigation of the relationship between specific wind and PCC voltage conditions and the final voltage and current forms produced at the AC busbar wind energy with distinct ramp and gust conditions are utilized so as to highlight the control action in limiting and optimizing the energy transference to the generators. In addition to this, the occurrence of non-ideal conditions to the PCC voltage and the overall interaction with WECS and AC system can be fully taken into account for power quality studies.

Author Biographies

  • F.H.Costa

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    UFU, Federal University of Uberlândia 

    Campus Santa Mônica – 

    Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Bloco 3N – 

    Uberlândia (Brazil) 

    Phone/Fax number: +55 34 3239 4733 


  • E. B. Alvarenga

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    UFU, Federal University of Uberlândia 

    Campus Santa Mônica – 

    Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Bloco 3N – 

    Uberlândia (Brazil) 

    Phone/Fax number: +55 34 3239 4733 

  • J. C. Oliveira

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    UFU, Federal University of Uberlândia 

    Campus Santa Mônica – 

    Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Bloco 3N – 

    Uberlândia (Brazil) 

    Phone/Fax number: +55 34 3239 4733  


  • G. C. Guimarães

    Faculty of Electrical Engineering

    UFU, Federal University of Uberlândia 

    Campus Santa Mônica – 

    Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121 – Bloco 3N – 

    Uberlândia (Brazil) 

    Phone/Fax number: +55 34 3239 4733 

  • A. F. Bonelli

    Institute of Technology for Development

    Centro politécnico da UFPR – Curitiba, Paraná (Brazil) CEP:81531-


    ph: +55 41 3361 6868 / +55 41 3361 6007 , e-mail:


  • Z. S. Vitório J

    Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A.

    Av. Rubens de Mendonça, 2254, 9º andar, Cuiabá-MT (Brazil)

    Fone: +55 62 32396529, email: zelia@furnas.com.br





