Smart Grid: What’s news?


  • M. Caciotta Author
  • M. D’addazio Author
  • S. Giarnetti Author
  • M. Grossoni Author
  • F. Leccese Author



As a direct consequence of the increasing demand of energy and the need to decrease pollution in order to cope with global warming, political, industrial and scientific interests have combined to understand the way ICT technologies can help to review all phases of energetic cycle, from generation (through renewable sources), to accumulation and transportation, until distribution. The union between ICT and energy is usually identified as “Smart Grid”, to emphasize an expectation change in what will be the Power Grid of the incoming future. The aim of this study is to give some ideas about the experimentation of new techniques of energy acquisition through renewable sources (solar, chp, wind, etc.). These techniques would guarantee more accessible prices for production, improving performances, the overcome of those constraints that did not allow the exploitation of potential energy capacity of renewable sources. This grid will be made of devices forming a control cycle that will check the station of energy generation as much as the behaviour of single consumers

Author Biographies

  • M. Caciotta

    Department of Electronic Engineering

    Roma Tre University

    Via della Vasca Navale n.84, 00146, Rome (Italy)

    Phone/Fax number:+39 06 57337342, e-mail:

  • M. D’addazio

    Department of Electronic Engineering Roma Tre University Via della Vasca Navale n.84, 00146, Rome (Italy) Phone/Fax number:+39 06 57337342, e-mail:

  • S. Giarnetti

    Department of Electronic Engineering Roma Tre University Via della Vasca Navale n.84, 00146, Rome (Italy) Phone/Fax number:+39 06 57337342, e-mail:

  • M. Grossoni

    Department of Electronic Engineering Roma Tre University Via della Vasca Navale n.84, 00146, Rome (Italy) Phone/Fax number:+39 06 57337342, e-mail:

  • F. Leccese

    Department of Electronic Engineering

    Roma Tre University

    Via della Vasca Navale n.84, 00146, Rome (Italy)

    Phone/Fax number:+39 06 57337342, e-mail:





