LIFE+ Zero Hytechpark: toward a sustainable building with thermal, photovoltaic and hydrogen technology
The use of renewable energy to produce hydrogen as an energy vector can contribute to increase energy efficiency and buildings sustainability. Besides, it may contribute to develop new mobility models which are more respectful to the environment. Therefore, this is the main objective of the LIFE+ Zero-HyTechPark in order to get more sustainable Technology Parks. On FHa building a real isolated hybrid (photovoltaic/micro-wind / hydrogen tech) renewable plant has been installed and also simulated with a specific own software developed. The hydrogen is used for two purposes, as long time energy electrical storage, and for mobile application, such as bike fleet. Also it has been installed a thermal solar panel roof plant to cover a percentage of thermal energy consumptions of the building. This project has the capacity to behave as a referent in sustainable architecture for research centres and as the first step in real sustainable urban projects. In small-scope, the experience will be extrapolated to other Technology Parks and industrial areas effectively reducing local emissions in short and medium term. The prototypes developed in this project present sustainable alternatives for common applications that are using fossil fuel. The use of hydrogen will reduce the CO2 for the future.