Empirical model for estimating global solar radiation for Braşov urban area
Physic – geographical and climatic features specific to Braşov urban area, makes necessary determination of a mathematical model to simulate in a precise manner the variation of global solar radiation. In this way, the paper proposes a new empirical model to simulate the global solar radiation for Braşov urban area in clear sky conditions. The mathematical model was developed on the basis of 4 years database, respectively records of global solar radiation and meteorological parameters made by the meteorological weather station (starting October 2005). Due to the interactions between the topography that characterizes Braşov area – that is a lowland situated at an altitude of over 700 meters, vegetation, the characteristic climate pattern, the dynamics of the atmosphere and aerosols - it features a series of specific variation for solar radiation, that manifests daily, monthly and seasonally. The present approach proposes one equation specific for every month of the year to simulate the global solar radiation; thus 12 simulation equations will be determined to estimate in a good manner the real global solar radiation. In order to validate the proposed empirical model two of the most utilized statistical indicators were used: Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Bias Error (MBE).