Feasibility of wind power generation for the reduction of power costs in residential buildings


  • Rômulo Monteiro Callado Author
  • João Reinaldo Imbiriba da Rocha Junior Author
  • Antonio Felisberto P. Amorim Author




Introduction: The installation of wind power generators on buildings located in areas with regular winds may be a suitable investment in a renewable power source. Brazil has a high eolic potential, where the annual mean wind speed may reach over eight meters per second. This case study is aimed to assess the economic feasibility of the installation of small wind power plants in urban areas. Methods: This work evaluates a project for the installation of a vertical axis wind turbine in three buildings (15-, 22-, and 26-store) including the following stages: 1) Installation of a real-time power meter in the 15-store unit; 2) Demand analysis of the 26-store building´s power consumption; 3) Winds survey along the coast of the State of Ceará; 4) Analysis of the wind turbines available in the market; 5) Simulation aimed to choose the system. Results: Vertical wind power generators offer better conditions of use in urban areas. The turnover time was established to be between four and six years in the three studied units. Conclusions: The installation of a wind power generator on buildings in regions with an adequate eolic regimen reaches a financial return of the investment before the end of the equipment´s lifespan.

Author Biographies

  • Rômulo Monteiro Callado

    Department of Electronic Engineering

    Edson Queiróz Foundation, Fortaleza University

    Fortaleza, Ceará (Brazil)

    Phone/Fax number: +5585 88801173/+5585 32244529, e-mail: romulo_callado@hotmail.com

    Normatel Engenharia Ltda., Fortaleza, Ceará (Brazil)

    Phone/Fax number: +5585 40061198

  • João Reinaldo Imbiriba da Rocha Junior

    Department of Electronic Engineering

    Edson Queiróz Foundation, Fortaleza University

    Fortaleza, Ceará (Brazil)

    Phone/Fax number: +5585 88801173/+5585 32244529

  • Antonio Felisberto P. Amorim

    Department of Electronic Engineering

    Edson Queiróz Foundation, Fortaleza University

    Fortaleza, Ceará (Brazil)

    Phone/Fax number: +5585 88801173/+5585 32244529, e-mail:  felisberto@rdvsa.com.br





