A Modified Cooling System for Stand Alone PV Greenhouse in Remote Areas


  • N. M. Ahmed Author
  • H. M. Farghally Author
  • F. H. Fahmy Author
  •  A. A. Nafeh Author




Agricultural efforts are normally carried out in remote areas where electricity from national electric grid may not exist or grid connection is very expensive. Greenhouses industry is one of the most important agricultural practices in remote areas. Greenhouses help in extending the gardening activities and allows us to cultivate certain plants all over the year; by controlling air temperature and relative humidity inside greenhouse. In greenhouses, cooling and pumping equipments dominate the demand for electricity. Therefore, a stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) system is necessary to feed that demand. Medicinal herbs, for example are the most suitable plants to be cultivated in the greenhouses. They often need a temperature range of 15 - 21 oC and about 70% relative humidity to grow. As the climate in Egypt is not suitable all over the year to cultivate these medicinal herbs, it is preferable and necessary to use PV-based control greenhouse to cultivate these medicinal herbs in Egyptian remote areas. This paper presents a proposed greenhouse cooling system, which uses a stand-alone PV system to feed the electrical loads of the greenhouse. At the same time, it introduces the complete sizing procedure of the greenhouse stand-alone PV system.

Author Biographies

  • N. M. Ahmed

    Electronics Research Institute,

    El-Tahrir St., El-Dokki, Giza, Egyp

  • H. M. Farghally

    Electronics Research Institute, 
    El-Tahrir St., El-Dokki, Giza, Egypt

  • F. H. Fahmy

    Electronics Research Institute, 
    El-Tahrir St., El-Dokki, Giza, Egypt

  •  A. A. Nafeh

    Electronics Research Institute, 
    El-Tahrir St., El-Dokki, Giza, Egypt





