Grounding System Modelling and Its Impact on Computational Refunding Analysis for Equipment Damages
This paper is aimed at presenting the computational results of the influence of the grounding systems representation in the refunding request analysis of equipment damages due to distribution system disturbances. The assessments include representation of grounding systems with linear and nonlinear parameters to produce a better representation of the overall electrical system at abnormal operating conditions. The model is included in a existing computational programme to deal with the subject of establishing a relationship between system occurrences, dielectric and thermal impacts on equipments and their withstand capabilities. This paper proposed grounding representation is based on a non-linear approach combining method already published in the literature. The methodology is then implemented in a computational tool facility to deal with the mentioned subject and the new software version is then used to evaluate practical situations. Comparisons between results derived from a typical distribution disturbance using simple ground modelling and the new proposition are carried out so as to highlight the importance of a more realistic modelling for the overall electrical complex.