Investigations of Solar Collector’s in Latvian Conditions
Outdoor air temperature range in the Baltic region is below average values in Europe. Range of outdoor air temperature in the Baltic region is -3 ºC in winter and +16 ºC in summer. And solar radiation intensity is lower in comparison with the average European values. The average solar radiation intensity reaches 1100 kWh/m2 per year in Baltic region. Therefore, there is a particular need to optimize the solar thermal system in the Baltic region. Solar collector’s operation methods investigated on the IPE solar energy polygon according different parameters. The most common types of solar collector’s operation were investigated and compared: by the time, by the heat carrier temperature differences of input and output, by the solar radiation intensity and operation control methods in various combinations. Theoretical and practical advantages and disadvantages of using each control methods were analyzed. Solar collector’s operation system could be regulated in accordance with the solar radiation intensity, by the boiler lower temperatures and by the outdoor air temperature to determine precisely the solar collector efficiency of the parameter changes. This may help to avoid the previous operation systems testing regime deficiencies. The precision of solar collectors operation depends on the type of operation systems: heat losses and the collector efficiency calculation accuracy, the sensor is accuracy, the time between the regulation regimes, and the range of heat carrier pumps action operation sensors. Currently, companies that offer solar collectors, offer solar collectors complete set with all necessary equipments for the solar collector connection for hot water supply system, or for home heating operation system by the temperature difference of input and output. And no one of them does not offer solar collectors operation systems by the various parameters.